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We found about 119 results for Adolescent Mental Health
  1. Teens: Things That Get in the Way of MentalHealth Care Learn about common barriers to getting mentalhealth care and tips to overcome them.
  2. Supporting a Child Who Has a MentalHealth Condition Learn ways to help your child who has a mentalhealth condition.
  3. Choosing a Counselor or Therapist for Your Child Learn how to find mentalhealth care for your child.
  4. Stress in Children and Teens
  5. Teens: Tips for Using News and Social Media in a Healthy Way Learn strategies to help yourself manage the impact of news and social media use in your everyday life.
  6. Depression in Children and Teens Looks at depression in children and teens. Covers symptoms like anxiety, headaches, sleep problems, and lack of energy. Discusses treatment with therapy and medicines. Covers warning signs of suicide.
  7. Depression Screening in Children and Teens Learn how depression screening for older children and teens is an important tool for finding out if your child needs help.
  8. Teen Dating Violence
  9. Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens Discusses symptoms of bipolar disorder in children and teens. Covers frequent and extreme mood swings ranging from being overly energetic to depression. Covers treatment with counseling and medicines.
  10. 3 Signs Your Teen Is Struggling Learn how to tell the difference between common teen behavior and behavior that could signal a problem.
  11. Teens: Talking About a Difficult Topic With Your Parent or Guardian Learn tips for how to have a hard conversation with a parent or guardian.
  12. Teaching Older Children and Teens About Consent Learn tips for talking with your older child or teenager about consent.
  13. Teens: Being There for a Friend Who Self-Injures Learn how you can support your friend who self-injures.
  14. Teen Smokers: Reasons to Quit
  15. Teen Substance Use Disorder: Choosing a Treatment Program
  16. Teen Substance Use: Making a Contract With Your Teen
  17. Substance Use Disorder: Dealing With Teen Substance Use Discusses teen use of alcohol and other harmful or illegal substances. Covers the effects and consequences substance use has on a teen's life, including physical and emotional health. Includes info on how to recognize and deal with teen substance use.
  18. Teens: Supporting a Friend Who Is Struggling Emotionally Learn tips for how to support a friend who is going through a tough time.
  19. Teen Behavior: What's Typical and What Are Signs of a Problem? Learn about common behaviors and problem behaviors in teens.
  20. 5 Tips to Help Your Teen Manage Conflict Help your teen learn to deal with conflict at school or on social media.
  21. 4 Tips to Encourage Self-Discipline in Teens Learn 4 ways to encourage self-discipline in your teen.
  22. Teen Alcohol and Drug Use
  23. Tobacco Use in Teens
  24. Grief: Helping Teens With Grief
  25. Mindfulness Tips for Teens Learn how to practice mindfulness to become more relaxed and to better manage stress.
  26. Counseling for Your Teen Learn how to support your teen while they are in counseling.
  27. Helping Your Teen Recover After a Traumatic Event Learn how to support your teen after a traumatic event.
  28. Teens: Getting Out of an Unhealthy Friendship Learn how to end an unhealthy friendship.
  29. Violent Behavior in Children and Teens Reviews the warning signs and risk factors for childhood violence. Provides tips for parents to help children and teens from becoming violent. Guides teens on managing their anger and what to do if they think another teen might become violent.
  30. Teens: Helping a Friend Who's Talking About Suicide Teens will learn the signs that someone is thinking about suicide and how to talk to the person, assess the danger, and get help.
  31. Teens: Tips for Mindfulness in Everyday Life Learn about simple ways to practice mindfulness.
  32. Warning Signs of Suicide in Children and Teens
  33. Questions Your Doctor May Ask Before Prescribing Medicine for Depression in Children and Teens
  34. Helping Your Child Avoid Tobacco, Drugs, and Alcohol
  35. Conditions With Symptoms Similar to Depression in Children and Teens
  36. Comparing Symptoms of Normal Moodiness With Depression in Children
  37. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Discusses attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which in the past was called attention deficit disorder (ADD). Covers symptoms including inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Discusses treatment with medicines like Ritalin, and behavior therapy.
  38. How ADHD Affects Your Child
  39. Stress Management: Helping Your Child With Stress Explores how to help your child learn to manage stress. Provides tips for reducing stress and building positive coping skills.
  40. Grief: Helping Children With Grief
  41. Grief: Helping Children Understand
  42. Bipolar Disorder in Children: Other Health Problems That May Occur
  43. Health Risks Related to Smokeless Tobacco
  44. Medical Specialists Info on healthcare professionals with training in specific areas. Links to info on physicians and other specialty doctors. Also includes links to info on other health professionals like physician assistants. Offers tips on preparing for appointments.
  45. FDA Advisories for Antidepressants
  46. 6 Tips to Build Healthy Gaming Habits Help your teen balance gaming time with other activities.
  47. 5 Tips to Build Healthy Cell Phone Habits Learn to help your teen build healthy boundaries and habits around phone use.
  48. Tips for Using News and Social Media in a Healthy Way Learn strategies to help manage the impact of news and social media use in your everyday life.
  49. Child Abuse: Emotional Abuse by Parents
  50. Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD) Learn about disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD), including its symptoms and how it's treated.
  51. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Behavioral Training and Management
  52. Nonverbal Learning Disorder
  53. Helping Your Child Build a Healthy Body Image
  54. Bullying
  55. Bullying: Signs a Child Is Bullied
  56. Bullying: How to Help Your Child Who Bullies
  57. Anorexia Nervosa
  58. Sexual Abuse or Assault (Rape) Briefly discusses sexual abuse and sexual assault and how to find help. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers steps to take to get help.
  59. Social Anxiety Disorder
  60. Domestic Abuse Briefly discusses signs of abuse, how abuse affects health, and how to find help. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers steps to take to keep yourself or someone else safe.
  61. Child Abuse and Neglect
  62. Learning Disabilities
  63. Anorexia: Learning to Trust Others
  64. Anorexia: Learning New Eating Behaviors
  65. Binge Eating Disorder
  66. Dyslexia
  67. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Discusses autism, an autism spectrum disorder (once known as a pervasive developmental disorder). Looks at signs of autism, including problems talking or repetitive behaviors. Covers behavioral and physical exams used to diagnose autism. Covers treatment options.
  68. Bulimia Nervosa
  69. Tourette Syndrome (TS)
  70. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Learn about fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, including the effects, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
  71. Physical Abuse Briefly discusses signs of abuse and how to find help. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers steps to take to keep yourself or someone else safe.
  72. Helping Kids Handle Peer Pressure
  73. Domestic Violence
  74. Domestic Violence: Getting a Protective Order
  75. Domestic Violence: Checklist of Things to Take When You Leave
  76. Behavior Therapy for ADHD
  77. Behavior Rating Scales for ADHD
  78. ADHD: Tests for Other Disorders
  79. Treatment Plan Record for a Child With ADHD
  80. ADHD: Social Skills Training
  81. ADHD: Helping Your Child Get the Most From School Covers helping a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder succeed in school. Discusses working with teachers and other school personnel. Also covers helping your child control symptoms.
  82. Grief and Grieving
  83. ADHD Myths and Facts
  84. ADHD: Helping Your Child Get Things Done
  85. Differences Between ADHD and Bipolar Disorder in Children
  86. Depression Screening
  87. Bullying: Building a Child's Self-Esteem
  88. Sleep Problems: Make a Plan to Power Down Take steps to reduce your technology use before bed.
  89. ADHD and Hyperactivity
  90. Starting Antidepressants: How to Care for Your Child Learn how to care for your child if they start taking antidepressant medicines.
  91. Family Therapy for Depression in Children
  92. Starting Medicines for ADHD: How to Care for Your Child Learn how to care for your child if they start taking medicines for ADHD.
  93. Myths and Facts About Depression
  94. Symptoms of Depression in Children
  95. Unproven Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorder
  96. Bipolar Disorder: Helping Someone During a Manic Episode
  97. Supporting Someone Who Has an Eating Disorder
  98. Understanding How Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Can Affect Children Learn about ACEs, how they can affect a child, and what you can do to help reduce the effect of ACEs.
  99. Autism: Behavioral Training and Management
  100. Aggression in Young Children Explains aggressive behavior in young children, how to deal with it, and when to get help.

Results 1-119 of 119

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