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We found about 34 results for Anxiety Disorders
  1. Social Anxiety Disorder
  2. Generalized Anxiety Disorder Covers causes and symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. Treatment includes medicine or therapy or both. Discusses working with your doctor to find the medicine that works best for you. Covers applied relaxation therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy.
  3. Symptoms of Severe Anxiety and Panic
  4. Anxiety: Treatment Options Learn about different treatment options for anxiety and how they can help.
  5. Separation Anxiety: Helping Your Child
  6. Self-Test for Anxiety
  7. Anxiety: How to Change Anxious Thoughts Practice recognizing and replacing thoughts that cause anxiety.
  8. Anxiety: Stop Negative Thoughts
  9. Anxiety Briefly discusses physical and emotional symptoms of anxiety. Covers anxietydisorders, panic attacks, and phobias. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Offers tips to help with anxiety.
  10. Anxiety: What Is It? Learn how anxiety is different from stress and how it can affect your life.
  11. Anxiety: Is Treatment Right for You? See how treatment can help reduce anxiety.
  12. Anxiety: Paying Attention to How You're Doing Learn to track how well you are managing your anxiety.
  13. Childhood Fears and Exposure to Violence
  14. Depression, Anxiety, and Physical Health Problems
  15. Anxiety During and After Pregnancy This article discusses anxiety during and after pregnancy, including symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Covers self-care at home.
  16. Joan's Story: Coping With Depression and Anxiety From Heart Failure
  17. Depression and Anxiety When You Have Coronary Artery Disease
  18. Phobias
  19. Dealing With Anxiety After a Loss
  20. Adjustment to Cancer: Anxiety and Distress (PDQ®): Supportive care - Patient Information [NCI]
  21. Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder
  22. Panic Disorder: Should I Take Medicine? Describes panic disorder and its risks. Discusses types of medicines used to treat panic disorder, as well as reactions to medicines. Covers what to expect if you need them and don't take them. Includes interactive tool to help you make your decision.
  23. Antidepressants: Keeping Your Life in Balance Discover how your antidepressant can make life better and how to make it easier to take.
  24. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Learn about transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), including how the procedure is done and which conditions it's used to treat.
  25. Stress Management: Doing Progressive Muscle Relaxation Briefly explains what progressive muscle relaxation is and how it can help reduce stress and anxiety. Gives step-by-step instructions for tensing and relaxing each muscle group in order.
  26. Tension Headaches Covers causes and symptoms of tension headaches. Looks at managing headaches with over-the-counter and prescription medicines. Includes stress reduction and getting sleep and exercise. Includes getting treatment for depression or anxiety.
  27. Feeling Depressed Briefly discusses when feelings of sadness or anxiety may indicate need for treatment for depression. Explains emergency symptoms, like talk about suicide. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Offers tips to help with depression.
  28. Depression in Children and Teens Looks at depression in children and teens. Covers symptoms like anxiety, headaches, sleep problems, and lack of energy. Discusses treatment with therapy and medicines. Covers warning signs of suicide.
  29. Alcohol Withdrawal
  30. PTSD and Panic Attacks Covers panic attack, an intense fear that comes on suddenly. Looks at physical symptoms such as chest pain, pounding heartbeat, and sweating. Includes getting treatment with cognitive behavioral therapy or medicine.
  31. Stop Negative Thoughts: Getting Started With Thought Reframing
  32. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Learn about Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), which involves tapping on the body to manage emotions.
  33. Dementia: Medicines to Treat Behavior Changes
  34. Counseling for Your Teen Learn how to support your teen while they are in counseling.

Results 1-34 of 34

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