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We found about 8 results for Burns Preventing Injuries
  1. Child Safety: PreventingBurns
  2. Child Safety: Fires
  3. Chili Pepper Burns
  4. Burns and Electric Shock Briefly discusses common causes of burns, such as heat, chemicals, and friction, and the seriousness of burn depth and size. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.
  5. Care for Minor Burns Learn how to treat minor burns and prevent infection, and when to see a doctor.
  6. Sunburn Briefly discusses the types of sunburn and other problems that might occur with a sunburn, such as heat rash or heat exhaustion. Covers what factors increase the risk of getting a sunburn. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.
  7. Creating a Healthy Schedule When Working From Home Learn how to create a healthy work-from-home schedule.
  8. Managing Job Stress Covers major sources of job stress that can lead to burnout. Includes stressors such as lack of control. Looks at reducing stress through ways like balancing work and personal life, getting support, and knowing when to quit.

Results 1-8 of 8

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