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We found about 30 results for Colic
  1. Colic Diary
  2. Diet, Breastfeeding, and Colic
  3. Colic
  4. Colic: Harmful Treatments
  5. Kidney stones: Fast Facts Learn what kidney stones are.
  6. Types of Kidney Stones
  7. Kidney Stones Explains why and how kidney stones form. Covers types of stones such as calcium, cystine, uric acid, and struvite. Discusses symptoms. Covers treatment, including extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy and ureteroscopy. Offers prevention tips.
  8. Ways to Comfort a Crying Baby
  9. Taking Care of Yourself When Your Baby Is Fussy
  10. Gallstones Discusses gallstones, which are hard stones in the gallbladder. Covers causes and symptoms. Discusses what increases your risk and offers prevention tips. Covers treatment options, including bile acid, lithotripsy, ERCP, and laparoscopic and open surgery.
  11. Belly (Abdominal) Gas in Babies Learn the basics about what causes gas in babies and how to help relieve and prevent it.
  12. Infant Crying
  13. Foods High in Oxalate
  14. Kidney Stones: Preventing Kidney Stones Through Diet Offers tips for changing your diet to help prevent kidney stones. Discusses water, protein, and fiber needs and limiting or avoiding certain foods and supplements. Includes tips for people who've had a calcium or oxalate kidney stone.
  15. Shock Wave Lithotripsy Discusses shock wave lithotripsy, a procedure that uses shock waves to break a kidney stone into smaller pieces. Covers how it is done and what to expect after treatment. Covers risks.
  16. Retrograde Pyelogram for Kidney Stones Briefly discusses test used to see if a kidney stone or something else is blocking your urinary tract. Covers how it is done and possible results.
  17. Kidney Stone Analysis Covers test done on a kidney stone to find out what the stone is made of. Links to info on types of stones, including calcium, uric acid, struvite, and cystine. Explains that test can help doctor decide treatment or give info on preventing more stones from forming.
  18. Kidney Stones: Should I Have Lithotripsy to Break Up the Stone? Guides through decision to have extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy to break up kidney stones. Describes what lithotripsy is and when it is normally used. Covers benefits and risks. Includes an interactive tool to help you make your decision.
  19. Male Genital Problems and Injuries Briefly discusses male genital problems and injuries. Looks at testicle, penis, and scrotum symptoms. Covers rashes and infections. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.
  20. Open Surgery for Kidney Stones Discusses traditional surgery used to remove kidney stones. Covers why it is done and what to expect after surgery. Covers risks.
  21. Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy or Nephrolithotripsy Looks at procedures to remove kidney stones from the kidneys. Explains difference between nephrolithotomy and nephrolithotripsy. Looks at when each may be done. Covers risks.
  22. Ureteroscopy
  23. Magnetic Resonance Cholangiogram
  24. Gallstones: Should I Have Gallbladder Surgery? Guides through the decision to have surgery to remove the gallbladder. Includes info on open and laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Lists benefits and risks of surgery. Includes interactive tool to help you make your decision.
  25. Intraoperative Cholangiogram
  26. Gallstone Symptoms: When Surgery Is Needed
  27. Laparoscopic Gallbladder Removal Surgery for Gallstones Discusses cholecystectomy, surgery to remove the gallbladder. Covers how it is done and how well it gets rid of gallstones. Also covers risks associated with laparoscopic surgery.
  28. Open Gallbladder Surgery for Gallstones
  29. Cholecystectomy: Before Your Surgery Learn how your gallbladder is removed and what you can do to prepare.
  30. Cholecystectomy: Returning Home Learn how to care for yourself and safely recover after gallbladder removal surgery.

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