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We found about 13 results for First Trimester Screening
  1. First-TrimesterScreening for Birth Defects
  2. First-Trimester Exams and Tests
  3. Pregnancy: Should I Have Screening Tests for Birth Defects? Guides you through the decision to have screening tests to look for Down syndrome and birth defects. Discusses what the tests look for. Covers benefits and risks. Includes interactive tool to help you make your decision.
  4. Pregnancy
  5. Second-Trimester Exams and Tests
  6. Third-Trimester Exams and Tests
  7. Screening for Gestational Diabetes
  8. Quad Screening for Birth Defects
  9. Nuchal Translucency Screening Test
  10. HIV and Pregnancy
  11. Obstetric Panel Briefly discusses obstetric panel, a group of blood tests used to check a person's health during early pregnancy. Includes links to info on tests such as antibody screening, blood type, complete blood count, hepatitis B, HIV, and rubella.
  12. Birth Defects Testing
  13. Using a Home Test Kit for Protein in Urine

Results 1-13 of 13

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