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We found about 6 results for Flossing
  1. Brushing and Flossing a Child's Teeth
  2. Dental Care: Brushing and Flossing Your Teeth Looks at the importance of good dental health habits. Suggests when and how to brush and floss.
  3. Self-Examination for Dental Plaque Describes a test you can do at home that will show how well you're brushing and flossing your teeth. Covers over-the-counter products that can be used to identify plaque. Covers how to do the self-exam and what results mean.
  4. Tooth Decay Discusses tooth decay and cavities (dental caries). Covers preventing decay by brushing and flossing. Discusses increasing risk of tooth decay by letting a child sleep with a bottle in their mouth. Discusses reversing slight decay by using fluoride.
  5. Basic Dental Care Provides info on basic dental care like brushing and flossing regularly, seeing your dentist or dental hygienist for regular checkups and cleanings, and eating mouth-healthy foods. Offers info on dental care for children.
  6. Preventing Tooth Decay in Young Children

Results 1-6 of 6

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