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We found about 83 results for Heart Failure
  1. Heart Failure: Avoiding Triggers for Sudden HeartFailure Lists triggers that lead to congestive heartfailure: too much salt, too much exercise, and taking medicines wrong. Encourages staying with diet, medicine, and exercise plan.
  2. Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction (Systolic HeartFailure)
  3. Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction (Diastolic HeartFailure)
  4. Heart Failure: When to Call for Help Learn why you need a written plan to know when heartfailure symptoms are an emergency.
  5. Heart Failure: Symptom Record
  6. Heart Failure: Track Your Weight, Food, and Sodium
  7. Heart Failure Daily Action Plan
  8. Heart Failure: Living Better by Caring for Yourself Learn why your daily care plan is so important for managing your heartfailure.
  9. Avoiding Triggers for Sudden HeartFailure Learn how to avoid things that could make your heartfailure worse.
  10. Heart Failure: Checking Your Weight Daily Understand how daily weight checks help you avoid heartfailure emergencies.
  11. Heart Failure: Track Your Symptoms Learn to keep track of your symptoms to help manage your heartfailure.
  12. Heart Failure: Small Steps to Self-Care Learn how to take small steps toward long-term self-care for heartfailure.
  13. Heart Failure: What Are Daily Symptom Checks? Learn how to easily check your symptoms daily so you can stay healthy.
  14. Heart Failure: When to Act on Your Symptoms Learn how to know when changes in your symptoms mean you should get help.
  15. Heart Failure: Learn to Recognize Symptoms Learn how checking your symptoms every day helps you manage your heartfailure.
  16. Heart Failure: What Is It? Find out what heartfailure is, what it means when it's high, and how it's treated.
  17. Heart failure: Fast facts Learn the definition of heartfailure.
  18. Heart Failure: Checking Your Weight Discusses importance of tracking weight for those with heartfailure. Covers how to check your weight when you have heartfailure.
  19. Sudden HeartFailure
  20. Classification of HeartFailure
  21. Heart Failure Describes heartfailure (congestive heartfailure). Discusses common causes like hypertension and coronary artery disease. Has info on symptoms. Covers diagnostic tests and treatments. Discusses heartfailure classification system and stages of CHF.
  22. Heart Failure Symptoms
  23. High-Output HeartFailure
  24. Right-Sided HeartFailure
  25. Heart Failure Types
  26. Heart Failure Stages
  27. Heart Failure: Compensation by the Heart and Body
  28. Medicines to Prevent Abnormal Heart Rhythm in HeartFailure
  29. Heart Failure: Taking Medicines Properly Explains how to take medicine for congestive heartfailure. Suggests schedules, lists, and pill containers to remember when to take medicines. Covers need-to-know names of medicines and side effects. Also how to handle missed doses, need to avoid certain medicines.
  30. Heart Failure: Watching Your Fluids Discusses need to watch fluid intake with heartfailure. Gives tips for keeping track of fluid intake, spreading fluids throughout the day, and managing thirst.
  31. Heart Failure: Activity and Exercise Covers how exercise can improve health when you have heartfailure. Explains importance of working with your doctor to create a plan for safe exercise. Includes tips for staying safe during activity, staying motivated, and getting support for being active.
  32. Heart Failure: Limiting Sodium Learn how sodium affects heartfailure symptoms and get tips for low-sodium meals.
  33. Heart Failure: Being Active Learn how exercise is good for your heart and how to be active and safe.
  34. Heart Failure: Limiting Fluids Learn tips for limiting fluids—if your doctor has asked you to—when you have heartfailure.
  35. Heart Failure: Taking Medicines Learn from another person with heartfailure about the importance of taking your medicines.
  36. Heart Failure: Support After Your Hospital Stay Learn about help you'll get to manage your heartfailure at home.
  37. Heart Failure: How Support Can Help Learn how to reach out to family or friends for support when you have heartfailure.
  38. Heart Failure: Your Reason to Be Active Find what motivates you to add a little activity to your life and benefit your heart.
  39. Heart Failure: Taking Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medicines Learn how to stay safe with prescriptions and over-the-counter medicines when you have heartfailure.
  40. Heart Failure: Tips for Easier Breathing
  41. Heart Failure: Avoiding Colds and Flu
  42. Ventricular Assist Device (VAD) for HeartFailure
  43. Heart Failure: Less Common Symptoms
  44. Heart Failure Complications
  45. Heart Failure: Eating a Healthy Diet
  46. Enjoying Life When You Have HeartFailure
  47. Heart Failure: Tips for Caregivers
  48. Heart Failure and Sexual Activity
  49. Joan's Story: Coping With Depression and Anxiety From HeartFailure
  50. Heart Failure: Should I Get a Pacemaker (Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy)? Guides through decision to get a pacemaker for heartfailure. Answers common questions about pacemakers, such as how they work and are placed. Covers benefits and risks. Includes an interactive tool to help you make your decision.
  51. Heart Failure: Should I Get an Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD)? Guides you through decision to get an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD). Gives information about ICDs and asks questions to help you learn if an ICD is right for you. Covers benefits and risks. Includes an interactive tool to help you decide.
  52. Heart Failure: Avoiding Medicines That Make Symptoms Worse
  53. Heart Failure: Disease Management Programs
  54. Biventricular Pacemaker
  55. Cardiac Cachexia
  56. Coenzyme Q10 Discusses Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), also known as Q10, vitamin Q10, or ubiquinone. Looks at use to treat heartfailure, cancer, muscular dystrophy, and periodontal disease. Covers safety and side effects of dietary supplements.
  57. Oxygen Treatment for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Covers oxygen treatment to increase oxygen flow to lungs and blood when you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Explains that oxygen therapy may slow or prevent heartfailure. Covers oxygen use during exercise, sleep, and travel.
  58. Cardiac Rehabilitation Discusses cardiac rehabilitation (rehab), which helps you feel better and reduce risk of future heart problems with exercise and lifestyle changes. Looks at rehab for people who have heart conditions such as heart attack, heart surgery, or heartfailure.
  59. Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Test Gives info on test for BNP hormone to tell how well the heart works. Tells how BNP checks for heartfailure. Tells how to get ready for test. Includes what results mean. Also discusses things that affect test results, such as some health problems and medicines.
  60. Restrictive Cardiomyopathy Gives info on heart problem that leads to heartfailure. Includes symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment with medicines, lifestyle changes, and surgery. Also info on causes like amyloidosis, hemochromatosis, and sarcoidosis. Includes info on tests.
  61. Heart Transplant
  62. Rheumatic Fever and the Heart
  63. Chronic Illness: Help for Caregivers
  64. Sodium Record
  65. Oxygen Therapy: Using Oxygen at Home
  66. ACE Inhibitors and ARBs: Helping Blood Flow Better Find out why it's important to keep taking your ACE inhibitor or ARB and how to make it easier.
  67. Conserving Your Energy Learn how to conserve your energy when doing daily activities.
  68. Cardiac Rehab: How It Can Help Hear how cardiac rehab helped others have less fear and be more sure about how to live with a heart problem.
  69. Cardiac Rehab: What Is It? Learn how cardiac rehab works and how it can help you get stronger and feel better.
  70. Complications of Paget's Disease
  71. Shock
  72. Pacemaker Placement: Returning Home Get tips for taking care of yourself after your procedure.
  73. Pacemaker Placement: Before Your Procedure See what you can expect and how to prepare for getting a pacemaker.
  74. Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump
  75. What to Do if Your Cardiac Device Is Recalled Explains what a recall of a medical device is. Mentions that failure or recall of cardiac devices is rare. Covers the FDA classes of recall. Explains what to do if your cardiac device is recalled.
  76. Mitral Valve Stenosis
  77. Cardiopulmonary Syndromes (PDQ®): Supportive care - Patient Information [NCI]
  78. Valvuloplasty for Mitral Valve Stenosis
  79. High Blood Pressure Covers causes and symptoms of high blood pressure. Explains systolic and diastolic pressure numbers. Looks at treatment and prevention steps. Includes risks of untreated high blood pressure such as heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure.
  80. Beta-Blockers
  81. Mitral Valve Replacement Surgery
  82. Mitral Valve Stenosis: Repair or Replacement?
  83. Mitral Valve Repair Surgery

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