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We found about 20 results for Hospice
  1. Checklist for Evaluating Hospice Programs
  2. Hospice Care Discusses hospice care, which includes medical, emotional, and spiritual care for people who are in the last stages of a serious illness. Guides through decision to seek hospice care. Covers how to choose a program. Covers end-of-life legal issues.
  3. The Difference Between Hospice and Palliative Care
  4. Advance Care Planning: Thinking About Hospice It's common to have a lot of questions if you're thinking about hospice. Knowing more may help.
  5. Hospice (PDQ®): Supportive care - Health Professional Information [NCI]
  6. Medicare Hospice Benefit
  7. Palliative Care for Pain and Treatment Side Effects
  8. How Palliative Care Can Help With Spiritual Concerns
  9. How Palliative Care Can Help With Goals and Dreams
  10. Advance Care Planning: Should I Receive CPR and Life Support? Guides through decision to receive CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and mechanical ventilation. Describes the procedures and discusses risks and benefits of each. Includes interactive tool to help you make your decision.
  11. Advance Care Planning: Should I Stop Treatment That Prolongs My Life? Guides through decision to stop treatment that can prolong your life. Discusses choosing what kind of care you want. Covers factors that may affect your decision, such as type of illness. Includes an interactive tool to help you make your decision.
  12. Palliative Care Focuses on palliative care as a holistic—body, mind, spirit—approach to dealing with serious illness. Explains that palliative care team guides talks about treatment, pain management, hospice care, family needs, and legal issues.
  13. Advance Care Planning Provides links to information about advance care planning. Includes links on advance directives, palliative care and hospice, finding a health care agent, and dealing with grief or dementia.
  14. Pain Control at the End of Life
  15. Care at the End of Life Discusses decisions related to care near the end of life. Discusses choosing where to get care and what kind you want. Covers who will make decisions if you can't. Info on advance directives and need for durable power of attorney.
  16. Planning the Transition to End-of-Life Care in Advanced Cancer (PDQ®): Supportive care - Patient Information [NCI]
  17. Lung Cancer Discusses causes of lung cancer, including smoking and exposure to asbestos or radon. Covers symptoms and how lung cancer is diagnosed. Covers treatment with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Includes info on palliative care.
  18. Coping When Your Child Is Near the End of Life
  19. Last Days of Life (PDQ®): Supportive care - Patient Information [NCI]
  20. Medical Specialists Info on healthcare professionals with training in specific areas. Links to info on physicians and other specialty doctors. Also includes links to info on other health professionals like physician assistants. Offers tips on preparing for appointments.

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