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We found about 27 results for Postpartum Care
  1. Postpartum: First 6 Weeks After Childbirth
  2. After Your Pregnancy: The First 12 Weeks Find out what happens to your body after giving birth and why it can take time to feel like yourself again.
  3. After Childbirth: Coping and Adjusting at Home With Your Baby
  4. Sex After Childbirth
  5. Caring for Yourself After Vaginal Delivery Learn ways to care for yourself after you give birth.
  6. Caring for Yourself After Cesarean Delivery Learn ways to care for yourself after giving birth.
  7. Depression: Managing Postpartum Depression Covers treating postpartum depression with counseling and medicines. Discusses when to seek care. Offers home care tips. Briefly outlines symptoms and the importance of treatment.
  8. Postpartum Bleeding
  9. Understanding Postpartum Depression Learn about postpartum depression and how it's treated.
  10. Problems After Delivery of Your Baby Briefly discusses problems that may occur in the days and weeks after the delivery of your baby (postpartum period). Covers emergency symptoms like signs of shock, fainting, and severe belly pain. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.
  11. Childbirth: Is Planning a C-Section a Good Choice?
  12. Cesarean Section
  13. Episiotomy and Perineal Tears
  14. Childbirth Afterpains
  15. After Childbirth: Urination and Bowel Problems
  16. Local Anesthesia for Childbirth
  17. Tubal Ligation: Returning Home Learn how to take care of yourself at home after a tubal ligation.
  18. Big Baby: Vaginal Tears Learn how vaginal tears can happen with any size baby. Tears can be treated, and they heal quickly.
  19. Childbirth: Strep Infections During Delivery
  20. Labor and Delivery Explains labor and delivery, including planning, signs of labor, pain management, types of delivery, labor stages, labor positions, medical procedures, and what happens right after birth.
  21. Feeling Depressed Briefly discusses when feelings of sadness or anxiety may indicate need for treatment for depression. Explains emergency symptoms, like talk about suicide. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Offers tips to help with depression.
  22. Pregnancy-Related Problems Briefly discusses symptoms that may show a serious problem during pregnancy. Covers vaginal bleeding, fever, and swelling. Describes emergency symptoms like shock, seizures, and leaks from your vagina. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.
  23. VBAC: Why Rachel Chose a Cesarean Birth Hear Rachel's story about why she chose to have a cesarean birth instead of a VBAC.
  24. VBAC: Participation During Birth
  25. VBAC: Why Alex Chose a Vaginal Birth Hear Alex's story and why she chose to have a vaginal birth after a past cesarean section.
  26. VBAC or C-Section: What Birth Experience Feels Right for You? Explore the different options for giving birth after a cesarean section to find what's right for you.
  27. Breastfeeding After a C-Section

Results 1-27 of 27

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