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We found about 9 results for Ringworm Tinea Infections
  1. Ringworm of the Skin Explains ringworm causes, symptoms, and progression. Covers how it is diagnosed and treated. Includes information on medicines. Covers behaviors that increase risk of ringworm. Offers prevention and home treatment tips.
  2. Fungal Nail Infections
  3. Treating a Nail Infection
  4. Nonsurgical Nail Removal for Fungal Nail Infections
  5. Surgical Nail Removal for Fungal Nail Infections
  6. Jock Itch
  7. Athlete's Foot Discusses causes and symptoms of athlete's foot. Lists behaviors that increase risk. Covers when to see doctor. Covers treatment options, including medicine choices. Offers home treatment and prevention tips.
  8. Artificial Nails: Problems and Treatment
  9. Nail Problems and Injuries Briefly discusses common nail changes and possible causes for nail problems, including infection, injury, health conditions, and medicines. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.

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