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We found about 44 results for Safety and Injury Prevention for Children
  1. Preventing Children's Injuries From Sports and Other Activities
  2. Child Safety: Preventing Falls
  3. Child Safety: Preventing Child Abduction
  4. How to Help Your Child Prevent a Fall in the Hospital You're part of the team that keeps your child safe in the hospital. Here's how to prevent a fall.
  5. Child Safety: Preventing Drowning Briefly discusses drowning hazards and teaching swimming safety. Offers tips on keeping children safe around indoor water sources, including water in bathtubs, toilets, and containers, and outdoor water hazards like pools, ditches, and wells.
  6. Child Safety: Drowning Prevention in Pools and Hot Tubs
  7. Child Safety: Preventing Burns
  8. Child Safety: Washing Toys to Prevent Germs
  9. Child Safety: Fires
  10. Child Safety: Guns and Firearms
  11. Thinking About Child Safety
  12. Child Safety: Bathing
  13. Child Safety: Pets
  14. Child Safety: Strollers and Shopping Carts
  15. Child Safety: Bicycles and Tricycles
  16. Child Safety: Streets and Motor Vehicles
  17. Child Car Seats
  18. Protecting Your Skin From the Sun Covers possible effects of sun exposure, including sunburn and skin cancer. Explains UVA and UVB rays. Offers tips forchildrenand adults on how much time to spend in the sun. Discusses protective clothing and sunscreen protection, including proper SPF.
  19. Abuse: Signs of Abuse-Related Injuries
  20. Child Safety: Air Pollution
  21. Car Seat Safety Learn how to keep your child as safe as possible in a car seat—in the next 3 minutes.
  22. Preventing Poisoning in Young Children Lists common products that can be poisonous, including household cleaners, medicines, alcohol, garden products, and houseplants. Offers many tips on keeping children safe. Covers storing products, choosing products, and teaching your child about the dangers.
  23. Health andSafety, Birth to 2 Years Offers tips to prevent illness and accidental injuries in babies and young children. Covers SIDS. Discusses common safety hazards. Also discusses healthy habits such as safe food preparation, using car seats, and immunizations. Covers safe baby products.
  24. Vaccine Safety
  25. Health andSafety, Ages 2 to 5 Years
  26. Playground Safety
  27. Returning to Play After a Head Injury During a Sporting Event
  28. Crib Safety
  29. Safety Plan: Preparing to Leave a Violent Relationship
  30. Quick Tips: Using Backpacks Safely Offers tips for adults andchildren to help people avoid back problems from backpacks.
  31. Staying Healthy Around Animals
  32. Ways to Keep Your Baby Safe Here are just a few of the many ways to keep your baby safe.
  33. Staying Safe: If You Are in a Violent Relationship
  34. Staying Safe: After You Leave a Violent Relationship
  35. Quick Tips: Safely Giving Over-the-Counter Medicines to Children
  36. Epilepsy: Tips for Keeping Your Child Safe Learn how to keep your child with epilepsy safer at home, outdoors, and at school.
  37. Eye Protection for Work and Sports
  38. Fluoride During Childhood
  39. Quick Tips: Babyproofing Your Home
  40. Sports-Related Dehydration
  41. Importance of Immunizations
  42. Indoor Tanning: Is It Safe?
  43. Immunization Schedules
  44. Autism and Vaccines

Results 1-44 of 44

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