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We found about 4 results for Surgery Overview
  1. Bunions: Should I Have Surgery? Guides through decision to have bunion surgery. Provides general overview of what bunions are. Looks at types of surgery, possible complications, and effectiveness. Includes interactive tool to help you decide.
  2. Exercises After Breast Cancer Surgery Provides an overview and step-by-step instructions and photos for doing exercises after breast cancer surgery.
  3. Heart Rhythm Problems: Should I Get an Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD)? Topic guides reader through decision to get an ICD for heart rhythm problems. Provides general overview of what ICDs are and what heart rhythm problems can be helped with ICDs. Lists benefits and possible complications of getting an ICD.
  4. Heart Rate Problems: Should I Get a Pacemaker? Topic guides reader through decision to get a pacemaker for heart rate problems. Provides general overview of what pacemakers are and what heart problems can be helped with pacemakers. Lists benefits and possible complications of getting a pacemaker.

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