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We found about 13 results for When to Call For Help
  1. Heart Failure: WhentoCallforHelp Learn why you need a written plan to know when heart failure symptoms are an emergency.
  2. Here's Help: Mild Sunburn in Children Find out what to do and whentocallforhelp if your child has a mild sunburn.
  3. Here's Help: Mild Dehydration in Your Baby or Child Find out what to do and whentocallforhelp if your baby or child has mild dehydration.
  4. Here's Help: Mild Heat Exhaustion in Children Find out what to do and whentocallforhelp if your child has mild heat exhaustion.
  5. Here's Help: Mild Head Injury (Bump, Cut, or Scrape) in Children Find out what to do and whentocallforhelpwhen children bump their head.
  6. Here's Help: When Your Newborn Is Sick Find out whentocall your doctor or get emergency helpwhen your newborn is sick.
  7. Breastfeeding Explains what breastfeeding is, benefits, how to plan for it, and how often to breastfeed. Includes step-by-step instructions. Covers common problems and whentocallforhelp.
  8. Using Nitroglycerin for Angina Discusses using nitroglycerin to treat angina. Covers how to take quick-acting nitroglycerin. Provides info on side effects and interactions with other drugs. Covers how to store nitroglycerin. Includes info on whentocallfor emergency help.
  9. Here's Help: Minor Burn in Children Find out what to do and whentocallforhelp if your child has a minor burn.
  10. How toHelp Someone During a Seizure Learn what you can do to keep someone safe during a seizure and when you need tocall emergency services.
  11. Dry Skin and Itching Briefly describes the causes of dry skin. Covers home treatment options. Includes info tohelp you decide whentocall a doctor. Offers prevention tips.
  12. Fever Seizures Briefly discusses fever seizures (also called fever convulsions) caused by a rapid rise in body temperature in a short period of time. Offers interactive tool tohelp decide whento seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.
  13. Poisoning Briefly discusses types of poisonings and related symptoms. Offers interactive tool tohelp decide whento seek care. Also offers first aid steps as well as calling Poison Control.

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