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Amenities and guest services
Coffee Shop
For the convenience of family members, light meals and refreshments are available in the Coffee Shop located in the main lobby.
Vending Area
Vending machines, accessible 24 hours a day for snacks and beverages, are located in the emergency department waiting area and on the ground floor.
Operated by the Chambersburg Area Hospital Auxiliary, The Gift Shop offers a great selection of balloons, cards, collectibles, jewelry, fresh flowers, plants, baby gifts, toys, seasonal gifts, inspirational gifts, candles and stationary.
Gift Shop Hours:
Monday–Friday: 10 am - 7 pm
Saturday : 12 pm - 3 pm
Sunday: 1 - 4 pm
Our hospital volunteers are available to get items from the Gift Shop and Coffee Shop for you. This service is available Monday through Friday, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm by calling (717) 267-3000 ext.1213.
Can't get in to visit a friend or family member in the hospital in person? Send some words of cheer or encouragement to a friend or loved one in the hospital. WellSpan eGreetings are a free service and available for patients at WellSpan Hospitals.
Free wireless connection and access to the internet via your smart phones, tablets and laptops.
To protect the safety of our patients, wireless devices should be turned off while you're in the following areas:
- Cardiac catheterization lab on the 1st floor
- MRI area on the ground floor
- Operating room (OR) on the 1st floor
If you're uncertain, please speak with a nurse to find out if wireless devices are permitted in your area of the hospital.
Waiting areas are located on each floor.
An interfaith chapel, open 24 hours-a-day, is located on the first floor by the main lobby.
You may request a visit from our chaplain by calling (717) 267-3000 ext. 7749 or by asking your nurse. Our chaplain’s office can also contact your local clergy if you’d like. A chaplain is on call 24-hours-a-day.
An interfaith chapel, open 24 hours-a-day, is located on the first floor by the main lobby.
We will make every effort to provide interpreters for those patients who do not speak English. For information, call Social Services at (717) 267-7156.
During your visit, eat a meal with your friend or family member during their stay. For a small charge, friends and family members can ask a nurse to request a guest tray.
Personal items found on hospital property are kept in a safe, secure place until they are claimed, up to one month. To inquire about a lost item, please ask your nurse to check with lost and found.
Courtesy phones are available for use in the main lobby. TDD is available at the cashier's desk.
Maternity services
WellSpan Chambersburg Hospital provides a homelike Maternity Center and special programs and services to help families get off to a good start.