Who: Five WellSpan team members from WellSpan Urgent Care, 2149 S. Queen St., York:
- Heidi Wilkerson, nurse practitioner.
- Karli Fickes, nurse practitioner.
- Liz Ensor, lead nurse.
- Joseline DeJesus Morales, medical assistant.
- Lindsay King, radiographer.
- Whytne Randall, a medical assistant at WellSpan Neurology, 228 St. Charles Way, York.
What: The urgent care team was at work Dec. 22 when they heard a loud bang and looked out the window of their site, which is close to a southbound Interstate 83 off ramp. They saw a truck on the ramp flip through the air, hitting first one car and then another, in what would become a triple-fatality accident.
The five urgent care team members started running toward the accident scene. Though the group did not know it at the time, Randall happened to be driving past the ramp, had pulled over, and also was running toward the accident scene.
The WellSpan team members went to the three different vehicles. They could not see anyone inside the truck, which was crushed and on its roof. Accident investigators later said the driver presumably had suffered some kind of medical issue, leading to the crash.
The WellSpan team members turned their attention to the two cars, occupied by four people. They could not get any of the doors open due to the damage from the accident, and so turned their attention to what they could do. They urged two people who were moving around to stay still until other emergency workers arrived and could help extricate them. They offered blankets and reassurance, staying with the victims.
When emergency workers arrived, the WellSpan team members helped to secure patients as they were being readied for transport. They also helped with workers who were using an automatic external defibrillator to try to start a patient's heart, and with ambu bags, used to help deliver oxygen to patients.
Words to live by: Wilkerson said, "It was an unbelievable scene, but it was a natural instinct to go and help. We were glad we were there. We were limited with what we could do but we could provide comfort and talk to people. We could be with them."
Randall said, "I told the one gentleman I would stay with him until someone could help him. I told him my name. I gave him a blanket to wipe the blood off. I was making sure he was OK and didn't lose consciousness. I was praying that everyone would be OK.
"I was never in a situation like that, but I couldn't drive away when people were hurt. I just knew people needed help and I would want someone to help me if I was in a situation like that. I just feel like maybe God wanted me to help those people at that moment, so he put me there at that time. It was a good thing we all could be there."