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Awards and recognitions

WellSpan Waynesboro Hospital named a Best Hospital in America by Money

WellSpan Waynesboro Hospital named a Best Hospital in America by Money

WellSpan Waynesboro Hospital has been recognized as one of the best hospitals in the country for patient value, according to Money. 

Money, a personal finance website, recently teamed up with The Leapfrog Group to develop their first ever Best Hospitals ranking. The goal is to help patients make decisions about which institutions are best for their money. WellSpan Waynesboro Hospital was named one of the Best Hospitals in the Small Teaching Hospitals category. It is one of just 10 hospitals in Pennsylvania and one of 148 hospitals across the country to make the list. 

"WellSpan Waynesboro Hospital is dedicated to delivering safe, quality and affordable healthcare to the residents of South Central Pennsylvania, and we are honored that Money and The Leapfrog Group have acknowledged that by naming us a Best Hospital in America," said Melissa Dubrow, vice president, WellSpan Health, and president, WellSpan Waynesboro Hospital. "The entire staff is committed to making sure our patients receive top quality care right here in their own community, and I am happy that they have earned this recognition." 

The 148 hospitals on the list were divided into five categories, including General Hospitals, Children's Hospitals, Rural Hospitals, Large Teaching Hospitals, and Small Teaching Hospitals, which are hospitals with fewer than 500 staffed beds. 

In order to qualify for the list, hospitals had to receive an A letter grade on the Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade assessment for Fall 2021. WellSpan Waynesboro Hospital was one of five WellSpan hospitals to achieve an A letter grade for Fall 2021 as well as for Spring 2022. 

The Leapfrog Group, a national watchdog organization of employers and other purchasers widely acknowledged as the toughest standard-setters for health care safety and quality, also applied additional criteria related to safe medication ordering practices, intensive care unit staffing, performance related to certain high-risk surgeries, and response to "never events," which are medical errors that are so serious they should never happen to patients. 

The complete ranking and methodology can be found by clicking here 

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