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The student is now the mentor: A nurse manager pays it forward


Mentors help to create other mentors.

Just ask Kat Rosado, dreamed of being a nurse. She came to WellSpan, where her career has taken her from being a nursing assistant to a licensed practical nurse to a registered nurse to a nurse manager in 10 years, with lots of support and direction from leaders along the way.

Now Kat, who works at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital, is paying it forward by offering the same kind of support to a housekeeper, Brie Luciano, who has her own dreams of being a nurse.

"The leaders and mentorship that I encountered over the years have offered so much wisdom that has made my heart so full of joy, compassion, and determination that it is only necessary to share with others like Brie," Kat said.

Kat's journey

After Kat was hired as a nursing assistant at WellSpan VNA, she told her director that she wanted to get her registered nurse degree. He supported her with a flexible schedule, and Kat took advantage of WellSpan's tuition assistance program.

Kat graduated from the Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences' licensed practice nurse-to-registered nurse program and then earned her bachelor's degree in nursing. She first worked in the medical surgical unit at WellSpan York Hospital and then transferred to the hospital's intensive care unit.

Kat saw how her team worked together to save lives and support each other during this challenging period. She felt proud to be part of such a remarkable group of nurses and began thinking of becoming a leader.

Again, she received encouragement. Her manager encouraged her to apply for WellSpan's Nurse Manager Residency Program, a yearlong professional development opportunity for clinical nurses to learn the nurse manager role, develop leadership skills, and support succession planning. Kat learned from her mentors, who taught her how to be an effective and compassionate leader, a value she tries to live every day.

Brie's journey

Brie was inspired by her mother, Clover Luciano, who's been a neonatal intensive care unit nurse for 21 years at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital. She embodied the beauty and compassion of nursing for her daughter, who wanted to follow in her footsteps and make a difference in the world.

"I was so excited to hear Brie's career choice. She always wanted to be a nurse from little on up," Clover said. "She is so caring and motivated. I know Brie will be an excellent nurse, because she is so compassionate and enjoys helping others."

Brie started working in housekeeping at WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital, to just get a feel of being in the hospital and being around patients and the nurses. It turned out that she was one of the first people Kat met when she started working as a nurse manager.

Kat recognized Brie's passion and potential and offered her a job as a nursing assistant. Kat also promised to support Brie as she pursues her nursing degree through Harrisburg Area Community College.

"She is playing such a big role in just helping me achieve my goals and helping me through my nursing journey as I continue it," Brie said.

Brie feels lucky to work at WellSpan, appreciating the culture of diversity and growth. Like Kat, she has a village of supporters, including nurses who are willing to help her as she furthers her education and provide information about tuition benefits.

"WellSpan is an organization that seeks to provide exceptional care and career opportunities in a culture of diversity and growth," Brie said.

Are you like Brie and interested in starting a fulfilling nursing career? Go here to explore career paths and take advantage of our tuition benefits programs.

Are you like Kat and ready to mentor the next generation of nurses? Go here to explore flexible careers with leadership opportunities.

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