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Awards and recognitions

'Amazing leadership': 2 leaders recognized with Patriot Award

2024_INET_Patriot Award at Chambersburg (from left) Bobbi Jo Coons, Jordan Smith, and Lindsey Kearns (Army person) Jordan

As a new licensed practical nurse and an active member of the U.S. Army Reserves, Jordan Smith dedicates most of his time to helping others. 

“I couldn’t imagine doing anything else,” Jordan says. “If you’re not spending your time helping others, you’re wasting it.” 

Jordan joined the Army Reserves in 2021 and immediately enrolled in a program that would help him train to be a licensed practical nurse. The training required him to move from Chambersburg to Texas for 18 months. The move took him far away from both his family and his job, as a certified nursing assistant in the medical-surgical unit at WellSpan Chambersburg Hospital. 

That’s a significant time away. I thought I would have to quit,” Jordan says. “But my nurse manager, Lindsey Kearns, helped guide me through all the resources available through WellSpan. I not only kept my position but had a new one when I returned.”

Grateful for the support he received from Lindsey and Bobbi Jo Coons, his clinical educator, Jordan recently nominated both leaders for the Patriot Award, which they received through the U.S. Department of Defense. The award recognizes managers and employers for their support of the National Guard and Army Reserves. WellSpan has nearly 800 team members who are current or former military members.


From left, Bobbi Jo Coons, Staff Sgt. Jamie Phillips (who presented the awards), Jordan Smith, and Lindsey Kearns. 

“We are happy to support Jordan and love watching him grow in his career both as a nurse and a member of the Army Reserves,” Lindsey says. “Jordan is such a kind, hard-working person.”

The two managers continued to support Jordan when he returned from his training by helping him obtain the necessary paperwork to practice in Pennsylvania and continue to accommodate his Army Reserves schedule

Bobbi Jo was so supportive of me, she helped me make the necessary connections and fill out the right forms. She even made some of those phone calls herself. She was the first person I told when I received my position, Jordan recalls.  

“Jordan is enthusiastic about learning new things and I’m excited to watch and help him along his journey as a new nurse,” Bobbi Jo says

Jordan’s next goal is to become a registered nurse and, of course, he plans to continue to work on the medical surgical unit. 

This is the best floor in my opinionI love everyone that I work with, and I think the culture here is so great due to the amazing leadership from Lindsey and Bobbi Jo,” says Jordan. 

As a veteran-ready employer, WellSpan offers many civilian career opportunities that match military background, skills, and interests. Learn more about our career opportunities here: Talent Community | WellSpan Careers (