WellSpan York Hospital Trauma

WellSpan York Hospital Trauma & Critical Care Services is dedicated to providing high quality trauma care to every patient, every day.
WellSpan York Hospital's Level 1 Regional Resource Trauma Center has been accredited by the Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation. WellSpan York Hospital's Trauma Program is the only accredited trauma center in York, Adams and Franklin counties, serving more than one million residents. Responsibilities of the service include the coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the trauma patient to ensure compliance with the standards of the American College of Surgeons, Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations and the State of Pennsylvania.
The WellSpan York Hospital Trauma Team cares for more than 2,000 trauma cases per year.
The role of our trauma team
WellSpan York Hospital's Trauma Team is on duty 24 hours a day to provide emergency care to injured patients. This includes initial evaluation and resuscitation, surgical care, management in our Trauma Surgical Intensive Care and nursing units, operative management and preparation to return each patient to their previous activities.
Our trauma team is led by trauma surgeons who coordinate care with other specialists including neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, plastic and reconstructive surgeons, and any other specialty surgeons and physicians who may be needed to care for a patient's particular injuries. A large number of nursing and other staff members are also a part of the trauma team, including pre-hospital providers, radiology, pharmacy, laboratory, respiratory, pastoral care, social services, rehabilitative medicine and support staff.
Our program is also supported by WellSpan York Hospital's residents (physicians in training) in surgery, orthopedics, and emergency medicine, thereby training future trauma care providers.
What does it mean to be a Level 1 Trauma Center?
WellSpan York Hospital's Trauma Service's capabilities meet state and national requirements regarding the commitment to trauma performance, bed capacity, education, research, credentials, sub-specialty coverage, technology and data-base collection. We are a leading provider of community outreach and service, spanning educational opportunities across our nation. Much of our data collection is used to support research and evidenced-based care initiatives.
It is our hope that you find our Trauma Program to be caring and compassionate should you ever need us. May you find comfort in knowing we will always be here!