Summit Endowment Grants

If your 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization serves Franklin County or Shippensburg residents and addresses health issues impacting these residents, the Summit Endowment may be a source of funding for your next outcome-focused project.

Award criteria

  • The Endowment does not fund the supplanting of existing personnel cost.
  • Grant applicants must be 501(c)-3 tax-exempt organizations.
  • Residents of Franklin County and/or Shippensburg area must be program beneficiaries.
  • Proven aspects of prevention and/or early detection must be incorporated into the program initiative. Applicants must demonstrate a strong theory of change in their narrative proposal inclusive of an evidence-based or evidence-informed approach.
  • Specific plans for defining and measuring the outcomes of the program must be included. All applicants must demonstrate competency in developing an appropriate evaluation plan for their program/project.
  • In funding grant requests, preference will be given to funding new initiatives over the ongoing support of existing programs. The Endowment primarily funds programs that are in a developmental stage and welcomes the opportunity to incubate high-quality proposals from organizations that have a track record of success.
  • Operating costs beyond initial new program startup costs are not funded, in order to assure the program’s sustainability after endowment grant funding ends.
  • Capital items (those that last two years or longer with a value of $1,000 or more) may be considered for funding if they are an integral part of a new or expanded program effort).

A few types of grants are available to you:

  • Accelerating Community Impact (ACI) Grants
  • Summit Endowment Level 1
  • Summit Endowment Level 2


To apply, please visit our application schedule.