The Tree of Life is a customized wooden sculpture designed to symbolize the miracle of birth. Positioned in the lobby of our Mother-Infant Center, the Tree of Life represents a meaningful opportunity for individuals to celebrate the birth of a child while contributing to the hospital’s longstanding heritage of quality and compassionate care for everyone — regardless of their ability to pay.
WellSpan York Health Foundation will send an acknowledgement to the honoree or next of kin recognizing this kindness.
Donors for this plaque can chose a giving level that will be represented on the tree (and will include the name of the child being honored):
- $1,000 Boulder
- $500 Acorn
- $250 Gold leaf
- $100 Silver leaf
- $50 Bronze leaf
For more information about the Tree of Life, please contact the WellSpan York Health Foundation at or 717-851-3595.