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Stephanie I Born, CRNP

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Specialties: Geriatric Medicine

Main Office:
130 Pine Grove Commons
York, PA 17403

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Stephanie I Born

Why I chose to pursue a career in healthcare:

I like the concept of working with people to help them achieve good health. It is rewarding to work towards a common goal and help others.

What I want my patients to know about me:

I am passionate about what I do and want to meet my patients where they are. I believe in the importance of respecting others and also in creating and sustaining a positive working environment.

What I do when I'm not seeing patients:

Nothing terribly exciting: reading, hanging out with my cats, watercolors and knitting. I have a penchant for black and white movies and sending really awesome mail to my nieces and nephews.

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Ratings and comments display for WellSpan Medical Group employed doctors who have a minimum of 30 completed patient surveys.

Doctor star ratings and patient comments come from after visit survey data that is compiled by Press-Ganey, a leading independent performance measurement company. WellSpan is committed to posting all feedback, whether positive or negative. However, comments may be edited or removed if they are profane or risk the privacy of our patients.